Portal 2 cheats and console command — Zee Tech Pro

‘Portal 2’ is that the second and last iteration of 1 of Valve’s most iconic sagas. The first, which emerged as a sort of experiment through its particular mechanical puzzles, eventually turned against all odds into a milestone in computer game design. Some even call it “the perfect computer game.” However, ‘Portal 2’ isn’t far behind and includes everything that made the formula of that first title great to expand it to new horizons.
The mechanics of portals that fascinated us most within the first here experience various additions that complicate them more and make them more interesting, additionally to also including a cooperative way that finishes up exploiting all the probabilities of the formula. during this second installment, new characters appear as Wheatley or Cave Johnson.
In this article, we will tell you about portal 2 cheats, console commands walkthrough and FAQs for PC, PS3, and Xbox. So starting from PC cheats.
Portal 2 Cheats for PC
Steam achievements
Use a Faith Jump Plate to launch a turret.
To a good understanding:
Follow the escape tips of GLaDOS.
Boat to the water !:
Discover the lost experiment.
Bridge over worrying waters:
Complete the first test with solid light bridges.
Escape with Wheatley.
Triple crown:
Solve 3 cooperative cameras on the Mass and speed plot in less than 60 seconds each.
I am still alive:
Complete path 4 in the cooperative mode without you or your partner dies.
Body expression:
Make the 8 gestures voluntarily in cooperative mode.
Building bridges:
Complete all Solid Light Bridge test cameras in cooperative mode

Overcoming obstacles:
Complete all test chambers in the cooperative layout.
They don’t convince me:
Complete the first test with dissuasive thermal lasers.
Searching for problems:
Make fun of GLaDOS in front of a camera in the 5 paths of the cooperative mode.
It looks but does not touch:
Dance in front of a turret blocked by a solid light bridge in cooperative mode.
Complete all test chambers in the cooperative layout Teamwork.
Portrait of a lady:
Find a hidden portrait.
Refuse to solve the first test of Chapter 8.
Pass the ITV:
Let me analyze a faulty turret detector.
The awakening:
Survive ‘manual mode’.
Meet GLaDOS again.
High five:
Celebrate your success in cooperative calibration.
No hard feelings:
Save a turret from recycling.
Learning to trust:
Complete all test chambers in the Mass and Speed cooperative layout.
Friends with benefits:
Embrace 3 different people from your friends list in cooperative mode.
Portal Professor:
After completing the cooperative, complete the Calibration online with a friend who has never done so before.
Digital blackout:
Break 11 monitors of the test cameras.
Conflict resolution:
Press the button!
In white:
Complete the first test that includes conversion gel.
Enjoy for a tube:
Master the funnels of translation.
Second opinion:
Pass the same test twice.
Walking the potato:
That science does not stop.
The gel that repels shakes me:
Master the repulsor gel.
Science (without) friction:
Master the propellant gel.
Triple crown:
Solve 3 cooperative cameras on the Mass and speed plot in less than 60 seconds each.
I am still alive:
Complete path 4 in the cooperative mode without you or your partner dies.
Body expression:
Make the 8 gestures voluntarily in cooperative mode.
Building bridges:
Complete all Solid Light Bridge test cameras in cooperative mode
Overcoming obstacles:
Complete all test chambers in the cooperative layout.
Conservation of the dough:
Break the rules in test chamber 07.
Put it in place.
You drop it:
Place a cube on a button without touching the cube.
Out of the law of gravity:
Catch a blue-painted box before it touches the ground.
Last transmission:
Find the hidden signal in one of the ‘rat-man’ lairs.
Where it kills us:
Escape from there.
Air show:
Make 2 air gestures before touching the ground in cooperative mode.
Port Economy:
Complete Camera 3 (coop mode) in Solid Light Bridge using only 5 portals.
Stone, paper or scissors:
Win 3 consecutive games of stone, paper or scissors in cooperative mode.
The one that lurks in the threshold:
Examine all doors of vitrified test chambers.
Let not one escape:
Do not lose any cubes in chamber 6 of the Mass and speed cooperative layout.
Inane gesture:
While your partner gestures on a bridge from your portal, move it so that it falls into pringle.
Three are a company:
Look for the hidden company cube in a cooperative test chamber.
The fall of Prank:
Place a portal under your partner in the cooperative mode while making a gesture.
Portfolio trapeze artist:
Enter 4 different portals without touching the ground in cooperative mode.
My joy in a pit:
Show that pit who rules here.
Maximum performance:
Complete test chamber 10 in 70 seconds.
Friends with benefits:
Embrace 3 different people from your friends list in cooperative mode.
Portal Professor:
After completing the cooperative, complete the Calibration online with a friend who has never done so before.
Digital blackout:
Break 11 monitors of the test cameras.
You have saved science:
Complete all test chambers in all cooperative paths.
Add -console to the Portal 2 shortcut, leaving a space (example: “C: Program FilesValvePortal2portal2.exe” -console). You can open the console with the º key and activate the following codes.
From the main menu, go to Options -> KEYBOARD/MOUSE -> Allow Developer Console and set it to Enabled. You have to enter these codes into the console: sv_cheats 1 for proper working.

-Activate codes
sv_cheats 1
-Disable codes
sv_cheats 0
-Change game speed (default 1)
host_timescale #
-Change the view to first-person
-Change the view to the third person
-Put portals anywhere (change # to 1 or 0)
sv_portal_placement_never_fail #
-Disable codes
sv_cheats 0
-Change game speed (default 1)
host_timescale #
-Show the fps
cl_showfps 1
-The player can take damage but not die
-Change the severity (the normal is 600)
sv_gravity #
-Back through walls
-Put portals anywhere (change # to 1 or 0)
sv_portal_placement_never_fail #
-Show the fps
cl_showfps 1
-The turrets will not shoot you
Portal 2 cheats for PS3
Use a Faith Jump Plate to launch a turret.
To a good understanding:
Follow the escape tips of GLaDOS.
Pass the ITV:
Let me analyze a faulty turret detector.
The awakening:
Survive ‘manual mode’.
Meet GLaDOS again.
High five:
Celebrate your success in cooperative calibration.
No hard feelings:
Save a turret from recycling.
Boat to the water !:
Discover the lost experiment.
Bridge over worrying waters:
Complete the first test with solid light bridges.
Escape with Wheatley.
They don’t convince me:
Complete the first test with dissuasive thermal lasers.
Searching for problems:
Make fun of GLaDOS in front of a camera in the 5 paths of the cooperative mode.
It looks but does not touch:
Dance in front of a turret blocked by a solid light bridge in cooperative mode.
Complete all test chambers in the cooperative layout Teamwork.
Portrait of a lady:
Find a hidden portrait.
Refuse to solve the first test of Chapter 8.
Learning to trust:
Complete all test chambers in the Mass and Speed cooperative layout.
Conflict resolution:
Press the button!
In white:
Complete the first test that includes conversion gel.

Enjoy for a tube:
Master the funnels of translation.
Second opinion:
Pass the same test twice.
Walking the potato:
That science does not stop.
The gel that repels shakes me:
Master the repulsor gel.
Science (without) friction:
Master the propellant gel.
Triple crown:
Solve 3 cooperative cameras on the Mass and speed plot in less than 60 seconds each.
I am still alive:
Complete path 4 in the cooperative mode without you or your partner dies.
Body expression:
Make the 8 gestures voluntarily in cooperative mode.
Building bridges:
Complete all the Solid Light Bridge test cameras in cooperative mode.
Overcoming obstacles:
Complete all test chambers in the cooperative layout.
Conservation of the dough:
Break the rules in test chamber 07.
Put it in place.
Out of the law of gravity:
Catch a blue-painted box before it touches the ground.
Last transmission:
Find the hidden signal in one of the ‘rat-man’ lairs.
Where it kills us:
Escape from there.
Air show:
Make 2 air gestures before touching the ground in cooperative mode.
Port Economy:
Complete Camera 3 (coop mode) in Solid Light Bridge using only 5 portals.
The one that lurks in the threshold:
Examine all doors of vitrified test chambers.
Let not one escape:
Do not lose any cubes in chamber 6 of the Mass and speed cooperative layout.
Inane gesture:
While your partner gestures on a bridge from your portal, move it so that it falls into pringle.
Three are a company:
Look for the hidden company cube in a cooperative test chamber.
Portfolio trapeze artist:
Enter 4 different portals without touching the ground in cooperative mode.
My joy in a pit:
Show that pit who rules here.
Platinum Trophy:
Get all Portal 2 Trophies.
You have saved science:
Complete all test chambers in all cooperative paths.
Portal Professor:
After completing cooperative, complete the Calibration online with a friend who has never done it before.
Digital blackout:
Break 11 monitors of the test cameras.
You drop it:
Place a cube on a button without touching the cube.
Maximum performance:
Complete test chamber 10 in 70 seconds.
The fall of Prank:
Place a portal under your partner in the cooperative mode while making a gesture.
Stone, paper or scissors:
Win 3 consecutive games of stone, paper or scissors in cooperative mode.
Friends with benefits:
Embrace 3 different people from your friends list in cooperative mode.
Portal 2 cheats for Xbox
Now jumps to Portal 2 cheats for Xbox.
100 Points
You have saved science:
Complete all test chambers in all cooperative paths.
75 Points
Portal Professor:
After completing the cooperative, complete the Calibration online with a friend who has never done so before.
Digital blackout:
Break 11 monitors of the test cameras.
50 Points
Friends with benefits:
Embrace 3 different people from your friends list in cooperative mode.
30 Points
My joy in a pit:

Show that pit who rules here.
Maximum performance:
Complete test chamber 10 in 70 seconds.
25 Points
Inane gesture:
While your partner gestures on a bridge from your portal, move it so that it falls into pringle.
Three are a company:
Look for the hidden company cube in a cooperative test chamber.
The fall of Prank:
Place a portal under your partner in the cooperative mode while making a gesture.
Portfolio trapeze artist:
Enter 4 different portals without touching the ground in cooperative mode.
20 Points
Conservation of the dough:
Break the rules in test chamber 07.
Put it in place.
You drop it:
Place a cube on a button without touching the cube.
Out of the law of gravity:
Catch a blue-painted box before it touches the ground.
Last transmission:
Find the hidden signal in one of the ‘rat-man’ lairs.
Where it kills us:
Escape from there.
Air show:
Make 2 air gestures before touching the ground in cooperative mode.
Port Economy:
Complete Camera 3 (coop mode) in Solid Light Bridge using only 5 portals.
Stone, paper or scissors:
Win 3 consecutive games of stone, paper or scissors in cooperative mode.
The one that lurks in the threshold:
Examine all doors of vitrified test chambers.
Let not one escape:
Do not lose any cubes in chamber 6 of the Mass and speed cooperative layout.
15 points
Conflict resolution:
Press the button!
In white:
Complete the first test that includes conversion gel.
Enjoy for a tube:
Master the funnels of translation.
Second opinion:
Pass the same test twice.
Walking the potato:
That science does not stop.
The gel that repels shakes me:
Master the repulsor gel.
Science (without) friction:
Master the propellant gel.
Triple crown:
Solve 3 cooperative cameras on the Mass and speed plot in less than 60 seconds each.
I am still alive:
Complete path 4 in the cooperative mode without you or your partner dies.
Body expression:
Make the 8 gestures voluntarily in cooperative mode.
Building bridges:
Complete all Solid Light Bridge test cameras in cooperative mode
Overcoming obstacles:
Complete all test chambers in the cooperative layout.
10 points
No hard feelings:
Save a turret from recycling.
Boat to the water !:
Discover the lost experiment.
Bridge over worrying waters:
Complete the first test with solid light bridges.
Escape with Wheatley.
They don’t convince me:
Complete the first test with dissuasive thermal lasers.
Searching for problems:
Make fun of GLaDOS in front of a camera in the 5 paths of the cooperative mode.
It looks but does not touch:
Dance in front of a turret blocked by a solid light bridge in cooperative mode.
Complete all test chambers in the cooperative layout Teamwork.
Portrait of a lady:
Find a hidden portrait.
Refuse to solve the first test of Chapter 8.
Learning to trust:
Complete all test chambers in the Mass and Speed cooperative layout.
5 points
Use a Faith Jump Plate to launch a turret.
To a good understanding:
Follow the escape tips of GLaDOS.
Pass the ITV:
Let me analyze a faulty turret detector.
The awakening:
Survive ‘manual mode’.
Meet GLaDOS again.
High five:
Celebrate your success in cooperative calibration.
Originally published at https://zeetechpro.com on February 13, 2020.